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The year 2020 may be used as a historical dateline after ten years from now and will always be remembered for the Corona Pandemic. The impact which the Corona Crisis has had at a global scale, people might even refer this period to differentiate two different eras - “Pre Corona Year” and “Post Corona” Year or even as Before Corona (BC) and After Corona (AC), because normative benchmark in social, political & business environment has been redefined and people have adopted new way of life in daily routine as new normal. And we are the people who are witnessing and observing a pandemic, which is going to be an unforgettable event with terrible memories in history to come. We will be amongst them who may narrate the learning from these experiences to the next generation. Even a few amongst us will teach the whole process of an event that has acted as a change agent of an enormous change in the world’s social, economic, and business ecology. These thoughts have started the idea to write these entire events with my perspective, and I integrated my thoughts in the shape of this book “Quar-Time”.