• Unleashing the Power of Play: A Practical Guide for Busy Parent

    by (Hema Khimasia)


    Paperback -   399.00  399.00

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  • Book Information
    Book Size (Inches) : 5.5x8.5 Inch
    Binding : Black & White Paperback
    Interior Color : Black & White
    Language : English
    Genre(s) : Self Help
    ISBN : 9788197450587
    Year : 2024
    Pages : 124

Book Description

This book focuses on how to engage children at home using everyday household items and natural resources available at no cost. It aims to enlighten busy parents about simple yet impactful activities that foster learning and development. By highlighting the educational benefits and various types of growth these activities promote, the book provides practical guidance for nurturing children's minds in a resourceful and cost-effective manner.

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